Credential(s) Offered
Industry certification, Associate's degree
Method of Delivery
In Person
When offered
Daytime Hours
Instructional Program (CIP)
An automobile technician must be able to use both mind and hands in order to be proficient in today's industry. There are over 100 different automotive-related jobs and over 150,000 computer-trained mechanics will be needed to meet the industry's demands in the next six years. Anyone who is adequately trained and possesses mechanical and technical skills and dexterity can qualify. Technicians do preventive maintenance and major repairs on all component parts such as engine overhaul, brake repair, front-end alignment, tune-up, automatic transmission repair, etc. Therefore, A good electrical background is helpful. Math and reading skills are necessary for proper diagnosis and repair. The specialized digital and computer test equipment used in the program provides students an excellent opportunity for employment advancement.
Program Length (Weeks)
Entrance Requirements
High School Diploma or Equivalent
WIOA Approved Program
Curriculum Competency Based
See program handbook.
Training Location(s)
Local WIB
40 - REG-1 WIB 1-5
Type of Attainment:
Name of Credential
Type of financial aid offered or have access to
Financial Aid, Scholarships, etc
Refund Policy
50% Refund: 16-week classes for the next (5) five days (third week) of University classes and 8-week classes for the next (5) days (second week) of University classes. No Refund: 16-week classes withdrawn after the third week of classes.
Is the proposed curriculum currently certified by an accrediting agency or similar national standardization program?
Yes - ASE
Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for women?
Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for men?
Cost Items
Books (Estimated)
Graduation Fees
In-State Tuition
Other Fees
Out-of-State/District Tuition
Registration Fee
Supplies/Materials/Hand Tools (not included in tuition)
Total In-State Program Cost
Total Out-of-State Program Cost