Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy Course of 638 Clock Hours. A&P Classes, Massage Therapy Classes, Massage Domalities, Business Class, First Aid/CPR, Spa Techniques, Hospital Internship, Clinic Massage.
Massage Therapy Course of 638 Clock Hours. A&P Classes, Massage Therapy Classes, Massage Domalities, Business Class, First Aid/CPR, Spa Techniques, Hospital Internship, Clinic Massage.
This course offers experience with the collection of body fluids, laboratory procedures, and skills that are necessary to enter the health care force as a phlebotomist. This course prepares the …
http://workforce.csi.eduClassroom instruction required by the State of Idaho Division of Building Safety for Plumbing Apprentices instruction required by the State of Idaho Division of Building Safety for Electrical Apprentices course will provide an introduction to the concepts and uses of accounting in a business environment. The primary areas of study in this course include analysis of business transactions, re… program includes classroom and lab training in basic and advanced Welding Concepts. Basic courses include an introduction of thermal cutting, shop safety, and welding shop tools with an emp… welders retiring at twice the pace of new welders coming into the field, it is anticipated that in the years to come there will be a need for 310,000 replacement and new positions. Grow you… course is a one semester course that prepares students to take the National Certification Exam for Pharmacy Technicians (The ExCPT exam by PSI) course offers an introduction to the health care field. It meets the state required 120 hours. Completion of
this training program is required by federal regulations in order to be emplo…
USDOL approved apprentice program.
Classroom instruction
in areas of Industrial Maintenance.